About Us


Grassmoor Primary School is located in the village of Grassmoor in North-East Derbyshire, an ex-mining community whose origins go back to before the Domesday Book. The village contains two reminders of the mining heritage in the form of Barnes Park, named after the original owner of the mines, and Grassmoor Country Park, which is built on the site of the former Grassmoor Colliery. The mining heritage is also remembered on the mural on the wall of the school near the entrance.

The school is open to pupils aged between 3 and 11 years old. We are a one-form entry school with 30 places in every class from Reception up to Year 6 (around 210 pupils). We also have a thriving nursery, which is open to pupils from the term after they are three. There are 26 places in a morning and 26 places in an afternoon (15 and 30 hour places). Admissions to nursery are processed through the school. Admissions to the rest of school are done through Derbyshire County Council.

The school has three buildings, built in 1905 and 1912, with two additional classrooms which were opened in 2006. We also have a very large playing field, activity trail, outdoor classroom and a Forest Schools’ area.

Our children and families can access pastoral support by phoning the school. We offer a range of pastoral provision such as a nurture group, parental support and one-to-one mentoring. We also have a Friends and Relatives of Grassmoor School group (FROGS) who organise the summer and Christmas Fairs. The school parliament is also an important part of school as they help influence and make decisions across the school. The school parliament is elected by the children each year.

As well as the usual school subjects, we have daily Tai-Chi. We also have many visits and visitors to support our learning, bringing it to life, including residential visits in Key Stage 2. We also pride ourselves on having a range of before school, lunchtime and after school clubs, which include netball, football, singing, film and gardening clubs.