Nursery Teacher : Mrs Karen Kibble
Teaching Assistants : Mrs Emma Worthy, Miss Bethany Bartram & Mrs Karen Leatt
Click below to see our mid-term and long-term plans:
In nursery your child will be learning through a programme of teaching and learning set down by the Government Department of Education called the ‘The Early Years Foundation Stage’ [EYFS].
The stage covers 7 areas of learning and development.
Personal, Social and Emotional development. Physical development Communication and Language Literacy Mathematics Understanding of the World Expressive Arts and Design
It is expected that children will learn by: Playing and Exploring – engagement Active Learning – motivation Creating an thinking critically – thinking
These are called the Characteristics of Learning
You can find out more about the EYFS by visiting the following website
Our aim is to create and provide a caring, safe and stimulating environment for our children and hope to create the feeling that we are an extension of the family. Our primary concern is the children's well-being and through a structured and loving environment. We help them to develop physically, intellectually, emotionally and also encourage them to mix socially. The Early Years classrooms are stimulating and inviting for the children and they have access to all the areas and equipment independently. Children have free flow access to the resources and the outdoor area which encourages good social integration and opportunities to develop independence. This includes their own art and craft area, role play corner, writing area, maths area, library area and sand and water play as well as an investigation area. We communicate with parents daily and encourage parents to get involved with their child’s learning, progress and assessments. We also use an application called Class Dojo which frequently updates parents on what their child is doing throughout the day. Parent consultations are held termly.
Nursery Timetable
An average session in nursery looks like this
Morning session
8.45am - 11.45am
Afternoon Session
12.15pm - 3.15pm
Throughout the day, children will be worked with individually and in small groups to explore their specific needs and interests, as well as support and extend their learning
General information
Registration – Your child self-registers every day by finding his/ her name cards.
Snacks and drinks - During each session your child will be given a drink or milk or water and a piece of fruit. Sometimes, they will have other foods that may have some relevance to the week’s learning. The children will be expected to collect and put away their snacks and beakers independently. Please feel free to send your child with their own water bottle.
Clothing – Most of the activities in the Early Years involve painting, gluing and water as well as playing with materials such as clay, plasticene and play dough etc. While we provide aprons it would help if your child could wear clothing that can be easily washed. The school has a simple school uniform which includes a polo shirt and a school sweatshirt or cardigan with the school logo. These can be purchased from the school office. As we also spend part of our day outside, please ensure that your child has a suitable coat and footwear every day. Your child also needs to wear clothing that can be easily removed when going to the toilet this will help your child to avoid distressing accidents.
Learning at home - Each term, your child will be sent home with a topic new letter about what we are learning in class and gives you information about how you can support learning at home. If you could support your child by going to the library and reading books related to the topic that would be fantastic.