Click below to see our mid-term and long-term plans:
General Information
PE kits
Please ensure your child has his/her PE kit in school for every Friday. It is helpful when PE kits are labelled with children’s names.
The children will take part in ‘Cross Country Challenge’ on every Thursday afternoon. Please ensure your child has a pair of trainers/pumps to run in. A spare pair of sock would also be useful as we will be trying to use the school field whenever possible. (The field can often be wet.
You can find out more about our PE expectations here.
Click here to view our uniform expectations
Reading at Home
Please ensure your child reads at home regularly. Ideally, we would like them to read every day. Please make sure your child brings his/her reading and library book to school each day. We will award Dojo points to all children who are reading regularly at home.
Monday: Reading Record check
Wednesday: TT Rockstars and Spelling Shed check
Friday: Weekly homework to be returned. A new piece of homework will be issued. There are always spare copies of homework in the classroom and it is also uploaded onto Classdojo every week.