Year 3

Class Teacher: Miss Catherine Eyre

Student Teacher: Miss Amie Scott (1st Class Honours Degree Graduate) 

Teaching Assistant: Mrs Carly Watkinson 


Click below to see our mid-term and long-term plans for Y3.

Autumn Term Plan

Year 3 Long Term Plan


General Information


PE kits

Please make sure that your child has a PE kit in school at all times. PE is every Wednesday. Please ensure your child has appropriate clothing for indoor and outdoor PE, and that clothes and plimsolls are named.

You can find out more about our PE expectations here.

Click here to view our uniform expectations


Reading at Home

Please read with your child, daily if possible, but at least three times a week. Remember to write in your child’s reading diary, so that we have a record in school of the reading they are doing at home. This can be your child's reading book and anything else they are reading too. Children are encouraged to read independently every morning when they come in to school and are encouraged to be independent in changing their home reading book. Library is once a week. Please make sure your child has their book bag, reading book and library book each day. We award Dojo Points to all children who are reading regularly at home.



In addition to reading, we expect all children to learn and practise spellings and times tables as part of their homework.

Weekly spellings are set on Spelling Shed (look in the ‘assignments’ section for the current week’s spellings) with a spelling test each Friday. Children also have the opportunity to practise their spellings every morning when they come into the class before registration.

Times tables are set each week on TT Rockstars (make sure you are on the ‘Garage’ set). Children are encouraged to practise their times table and division facts on TT Rockstars a few times a week to develop fluency and quick recall of number facts.