Year 5

Class Teacher:  Mrs Kirstie Gregory

Teaching Assistant: Miss Lauren Wilson & Mrs Louise Newton

In Year 5, our mission is to work together each day to learn, be a good friend and a positive role model. We take pride in working hard, having fun and trying to be the very best version of ourselves.


Click below to see our mid-term and long-term plans:

Spring Term Plan

 Year 5 Long Term Plan


General Information


PE Kits

Swimming: The children are participating in swimming lessons at Alfreton Leisure Centre during the Autumn Term. This will take place every Monday afternoon during term-time from 16th September to 25th November.


Forest Schools: The children will be taking part in Forest Schools on Wednesday afternoons during the Autumn Term. The class will be split into two groups and told which group they are in during the first week back. It is advised for children to bring clothing and footwear suited for the weather that you do not mind getting a little dirty.


Group 1 will be taking part in Forest Schools on 11th Sept, 18th Sept, 25th Sept, 2nd Oct and 9th Oct.

Group 2 will be taking part in Forest Schools on 16th Oct, 23rd Oct, 6th Nov, 13th Nov and 27th Nov.


PE: Year 5’s usual PE day is on a Wednesday. On the weeks your child does not have Forest Schools, they will need to bring their usual school PE kit instead.

Please ensure your child has the correct kit necessary for their activities each week.



Reading at Home

Please read with your child every day if possible (minimum 3 times a week). The children are encouraged to read independently in school at least 10 minutes each day. Reading books, which are suitable for your child’s reading level, can be changed regularly in school. Library books, which are read for leisure, can be changed once a week in school. Please make sure your child has their reading record, reading book and library book with them in school every day. Reading records are reviewed on a weekly basis. We will award Dojo points to all children who are reading regularly at home.



Each week, your child is expected to practise their times tables on TT Rockstars and Spellings on Ed Shed. These websites are regularly checked. If facilities are not available for these to be completed at home, there can be the opportunity to complete these in school instead. From time to time, your child will also be expected to complete an additional piece of homework related to either Maths, English or the Topic of the term. We will award Dojo points to all children who are completing these regularly.


In Year 5, we also encourage independent research. If your child is particularly passionate about a topic we are learning about and wishes to learn more at home, we would love to see their work! This can either be brought into school or posted onto Dojo.