What is Mental Health and Wellbeing Support/Early Help?

At Grassmoor Primary School, we understand that from time-to-time family life can have its complications and sometimes families may need some extra help. To support and advise you at such times we have an Early Help Offer.


We believe that by working together we can better support children and families. Sometimes, families need support from a wide range of agencies or people such as health services, housing services, family support workers, social workers and local police.


As a school, we may be able to signpost a range of services to support families beyond the educational setting. 

Early Help services aim to provide advice and/or intervene where there is evidence of emerging needs and to make sure that appropriate plans are in put in place. This will require families to work with school staff and possibly other agencies.


What can we help with?

A wide range of issues such as: boundary setting, domestic abuse, mental health issues, housing concerns, financial worries and debts, morning routines, poor sleep habits, hygiene difficulties, managing screen time, bereavement and loss, cyber bullying - in fact, any concerns which you are worried about and that might be having a negative impact on your child.


How does it work?

A member of our team can complete an Early help assessment with the family which will either be shared with the relevant supportive agencies or simply kept on record at school. Once the support has been identified, we will organise regular meetings where we will review the actions from the assessment and identify new actions if needed. Actions could be for school, for the family or anyone else involved. The meetings will continue for as long as the support is needed.


Who are the team?

  • Miss Louise Lowe - Family Support Manager & Deputy DSL 
  • Mrs Emma Shaw - Child Support Manager, Deputy DSL & Attendance Officer
  • Mrs Sharon James - Headteacher & DSL


What are the next steps?

If you think your family might benefit from Early Help, please speak to any of the people listed above, contact us on 01246 850349 or email sharon.james@grassmoor.derbyshire.sch.uk

Useful Links:

Microsoft Word Logo, symbol, meaning, history, PNG, brandGrassmoor Primary School’s Social, Emotional and Mental Health Whole School Provision Map

Microsoft Word Logo, symbol, meaning, history, PNG, brandChild-Friendly Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing Policy (For Parents/Carers and Children)