Year 4

Class Teacher:  Miss Janine Barkes & Mrs Grace Mellor

Teaching Assistant: Mrs Elizabeth Pickering

In Year 4 we always try our very best and enjoy learning. We follow our school’s golden rules and hope you enjoy looking at this page. We will use this page to share some of what we have been learning.


Click below to see our mid-term and long-term plans:

Autumn Term Plan

 Year 4 Long Term Plan


General Information

Reading at Home

Please read with your child at least 3 times a week. The children are given the opportunity to change their book banded reading books on Mondays and Fridays. Library time is once a week on Thursdays. Please make sure your child has their reading/library books and reading record each day. We give out dojo points and reading raffle tickets for reading on Friday. We also celebrate reading by encouraging children to review books in our reading scrapbook.


PE kits

Please make sure that your child has a PE kit in school at all times. We do PE every Tuesday afternoon in the hall and will move to outside in the warmer months, please ensure their clothes and are labelled.

You can find out more about our PE expectations here.

Click here to view our uniform expectations


Times Tables and Spellings

Each week your child will be given some times tables homework to complete. This is to help us prepare the children for a statutory times tables test in June. We also ask that children use TT Rockstars and Spelling Shed to support their learning in school.