
Safeguarding is one of the most important things that any school does and here at Grassmoor Primary School that is no different. 

All staff are trained on safeguarding procedures and we recognise that we all have a role to play in safeguarding our children, families and staff.


The Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) is Mrs Sharon James and the Deputy DSLs are Mrs Emma Shaw, Miss Louise Lowe, Mrs Lyndsey Nelson and Mrs Karen Kibble.



The governor with responsibility for safeguarding is Mrs Pam Hemsley. 


Grassmoor School has policies and procedures in place to deal effectively with child protection and safeguarding issues together with recording and monitoring processes. To promote a safe environment for young people at Grassmoor School our selection and recruitment policy includes all statutory checks on staff and regular volunteers including Enhanced DBS (disclosure and barring service) checks. 


All staff are trained to a level appropriate to their safeguarding responsibilities ranging from basic awareness for all to Level 2 for key staff. Other safeguarding training is attended by relevant staff and governors. This training is monitored and comprehensive records kept by our Business Manager, Mr Wallhead. 


All concerns are passed through members of staff who are trained as “Designated Child Protection Officers” in school in compliance with the HM government “sharing of information” guidance March 2015. Staff are required to report any causes of concern to the school safeguarding team on the electronic safeguarding system (CPOMS). Midday supervisors do not have access to this system and therefore report their concerns to the class teacher for them to report on cpoms.

Attendance is monitored closely and concerns are shared as appropriate with parents/carers, the Education Welfare Service, Social Care and the school Safeguarding Team. Grassmoor School will work effectively with other agencies and parent/carers when necessary to safeguard young people.

If you have any serious concerns about your child or any other pupil at Grassmoor School please do not hesitate to contact one of the Designated Safeguarding Leads who will be able to provide you with the best advice and help using the appropriate degree of confidentiality.

If you need help outside of school hours and you are concerned that a child is suffering or at risk of significant harm call 01629 533190 (Derbyshire County Council), or the Police on 101.


Online Safety

As a school we are concerned that our children can be exposed to very inappropriate material on-line, and do as much as we can to reduce the possibilities of this. The internet system has a filtering system, and we monitor pupil use of the internet.


Please help your child by talking to them about not talking to anyone on-line who they do not know: preferably they should not be talking to anyone on-line as this is where they are the most exposed to danger.


Get SMART! use the following acronym to remind children how to keep safe and be kind on the internet.


S is for safe

Keep your personal information safe. When chatting or posting online don’t give away things like your full name, password or home address. Remember personal information can be seen in images and videos you share too.
Keep them safe to keep yourself safe.


M is for meet

Meeting up with someone you only know online, even a friend of a friend, can be dangerous as this person is still a stranger. If someone you only know online ever asks you to meet up, for personal information or for photos/videos of you then tell an adult straight away and report them together on


A is for accepting

Think carefully before you click on or open something online (e.g. links, adverts, friend requests, photos) as you never know where they may lead to or they may contain viruses. Do not accept something if you are unsure of who the person is or what they’ve sent you.


R is for reliable

You cannot trust everything you see online as some things can be out of date, inaccurate or not entirely true. To find reliable information compare at least three different websites, check in books and talk to someone about what you have found.


T is for tell

Tell a trusted adult if something or someone ever makes you feel upset, worried or confused. This could be if you or someone you know is being bullied online. There are lots of people who will be able to help you like your teachers, parents, carers or contact Childline – 0800 11 11 or


Be SMART with a heart

Remember to always be smart with a heart by being kind and respectful to others online. Make the internet a better place by helping your friends if they are worried or upset by anything that happens online.


No child in school is old enough to have an account on the following social media sites: Facebook (13+), Snapchat (13+), YouTube (13+ with parental consent), etc. Also please do not allow your children onto age-related games such as Grand Theft Auto (18+) as this may expose them to other users whom they do not know.


Useful Links:

Child Exploitation and On-line Protection website.