Curriculum Statement

Here at Grassmoor Primary School we have planned our curriculum around the needs of our children and our community.  After consulting with all stakeholders we decided on some key principles which underpin our school’s curriculum.  These are:


· The fundamental skills of communication and language, English and Maths are paramount. 

. Mental health and well-being as well as personal, social and emotional development of the children underpins our provision.

· The curriculum should be inclusive, exciting and engaging for all pupils.

· Children need to experience visits and/or visitors which raise their aspirations and knowledge of the world.

· Children should get plenty of outdoor learning opportunities.

· The curriculum should relate to their lives and experiences, whilst building upon and broadening these experiences.

· Parents should be actively involved in their children’s education.

As a consequence, our curriculum has been planned to ensure that it meets the holistic needs of all children. It takes into account the local context as well as being relevant and exciting for the children. At the heart of every topic lies a visit/visitor or experience to help bring the curriculum to life. The curriculum is broad and balanced and ensures that the fundamental skills of English and maths are of paramount importance. The children’s topics are woven into their English lessons to ensure that they have the vocabulary, knowledge and skills to be able to read and write about many different subjects. Reading is prioritised right from nursery and children are expected to read daily. Our phonics scheme, Little Wandle, is recognised by the DFE and is used throughout Nursery, Reception and Key Stage 1. Keep-up phonics is also used into Key Stage 2, where relevant. The school also ensures that the children have access to high quality narrative and non-fiction texts to enable them to develop a love of reading for pleasure. Parental involvement and outdoor learning opportunities are considered on every long term plan (see each class).

The curriculum is also designed to ensure continuity, sequencing and progression of skills, knowledge and attributes. Each leader ensures that their subject is being covered age-appropriately in sequence. Skills are taught, applied and built upon as the children move through the school. Please see each class for their annual overviews and termly curriculum planning.

As well as this, we also aim to enrich the curriculum further such as daily Tai Chi lessons, to develop healthy bodies and minds. The music partnership teaches instruments throughout the year in Year 3 and 4. The choir have the opportunity to sing in the community. We also participate in many sports events during the year. Our outdoor provision includes Forest Schools for targeted classes. Children in KS2 are also offered a residential experience aimed at developing resilience, team-work, confidence and independence.

Another strength of our curriculum is that we offer a range of interventions both academic and pastoral, so that whatever an individual may need to progress, they are supported to be able to do this in a range of ways.

Overall, our curriculum is designed to fulfil our motto of ‘Nurture, Grow, Succeed’ and our S.H.A.R.E.D. aims of Safe, Healthy, Achieve, Responsibility, Enterprising and Diversity (from our motto, vision and aims), which will ensure that all children develop into well-rounded individuals ready to move on to their next stage of education and beyond.